Monday, May 12, 2014

Upcoming Webinar: Navigating the Retirement Decision

On May 20th at 1:00 PM Eastern Time, I will be presenting a webinar on retirement income through my relationshiop with Watermark Advisor Solutions. It may last up to 90 minutes. It's free. You can sign up for it at this website.

The webinar is intended for financial advisors, but anyone is welcome to attend. 

The webinar will cover some of my recent research articles, basically covering the outline first presented in a blog post, "You Can't Control When You're Born." Again, though anyone is welcome to attend, this is not a basic introduction to retirement planning. It will be advanced material along the same lines of what I usually blog about.

Individual investors are extremely vulnerable to the sequence of market returns experienced over their investing lifetimes. Individuals who behave exactly the same over their careers, saving the same percentage of the same salary for the same number of years, can otherwise experience very different outcomes based solely upon the specific sequence of investment returns which accompanies their career and retirement. Actual wealth accumulations and sustainable withdrawal rates will vary substantially for different retirees, as these outcomes depend disproportionately on the shorter sequence of returns just before and after the retirement date. 

After detailing the problem, I will describe approaches to help mitigate sequence risk. 

The first set of approaches relate to reducing portfolio volatility, including:

  • Using a rising equity glidepath in retirement
  • Building a floor with income annuities or bond ladders
  • Employing a valuation-based asset allocation strategy

The next category of responses relate to using variable spending strategies in response to market and portfolio performance. 

Finally, the concept of safe savings rates combines the pre- and post-retirement periods together to help clients understand how sequence risk can be reduced with more holistic thinking about the lifetime planning problem.

Please join.


  1. Hi Wade
    I'd really like to attend but this corresponds to 3am Sydney time. Maybe I should be keen enough to attend, but given the toll of work and children, uninterrupted sleep is a higher priority! Is there a chance it will be recorded?


  2. Hi Wade,
    I'd also like to attend, but unfortunately can't make next week. Will there be a chance that you'll publish the recording on your website at a later date?

  3. Thanks Angela and Mario for the interest! For this presentation, we will likely not create a recorded version. But there may be more opportunities in the future, and when I use older presentations that I'm retiring from use in regular speaking events, I won't mind leaving a recording publicly available.

  4. Ugh! It's full already. I've given webinars that filled up and we were able to buy additional space from gotomeeting for a month.

    1. Yes, 250 registered and capacity is reached. I talked with the organizer and probably what will do is to offer the same seminar again at a different time. Thanks for letting me know.

  5. The webinar was excellent as usual Wade. Thank you.
